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A Bit of Writing from the 80s

Expressway | Lynchburg, VA | 2019

Let's go, let's go, let's go. Gotta hurry up cause life is short. Gonna die soon.

Drink coffee. Drink a ton of it. Fucking hurry up you're running late. Do a line of coke, yeah, yeah, yeah, even better, faster faster faster. Don't need to eat. Chug a beer. Just got so much to do. Long list not enough time. Owwwwweeee! Just slammed my fucking finger in the drawer. Now it's bleeding. Who cares! Put a bandage on it. Dammit. All this traffic. I'm late for the meeting. Fuck them. They are damn lucky to have me. Working for nothing. Rat bastards. WhupWhupWhup!!! What the hell?! Speeding ticket my ass.


Join us next week when we host Guru Sup who will talk about meditation, mindfulness and detachment.
