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The Year in Rearview

I thought it would be fun to look at all the photos I took in 2021 and share one of my favorite pictures from each month. I took 3,606 photos this year and I haven't posted any of these images before—they are freshies!

January 8th. Dee and I took a leisurely stroll around the back forty in Baltimore. My mom was born on this day, so everything in our path had feelings.

February 11th. The first big snowstorm of the year at the Susquehannock Pavilion in Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.

March 5th. Dee and I took a day trip to DC. She visited her parents while I walked around the city and took a bunch of snapshots. This is an image of Amanda Gorman. Artwork by Gayle Kabaker.

April 8th. Dee at her desk in Baltimore. Every morning while she is journeying through the hills of Druid Park, Dee sends me a text that features one of her happy illustrations. It's a lovely way to start the day.

May 9th. This verdant critter was loving life in the cutest little alley next to our apartment in Woodberry. Baltimore is full of narrow alleys, which I totally dig and prefer to sidewalks.

June 2nd. One of my favorite things in the world is to walk around town taking a mess of photos. This is the Baltimore branch of the NAACP.

July 14th. The coolest hotel motel in the USA, the El Rancho in Gallup, NM, which I frequented on my June/July roadtrip from Baltimore to Los Angeles to Baltimore.

August 1st. The landlord is developing the lot next to us, building some apartments and whatnot. It's been fascinating to have a bird's-eye view of the process. This is spray foam insulation on the foundation. It's light as a feather but you can walk on it. Very trippy.

September 19th. I love living in different cities. I've shacked up in some pretty big joints. Los Angeles and NYC for example. Every city has a unique vibe. This is Trip's Place & Gatsby's Night Club in Baltimore. This feels like Baltimore to me.

October 31st. This is the view out of our bathroom window. The neighbor's house was on fire. Yikes. No one was hurt, thank goodness.

November 5th. I'm a big fan of photos without people in the frame. This photo was taken at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore.

December 18th. I recently took photos for an event at the Urban Reads Bookstore in Baltimore. This was one of my favorite photos from that shoot.

🎉 Happy New Year! 🥳

Be well, and let's love on each other real good in 2022.
